Saturday 2 March 2013

Science : An expression...

Expression is foremost important to me, because, somehow for me, there is always an urge to express the world deep within and the world outside. Although, what is outside and what’s deep within seem to be unrelated at times, but if we really look at it closely, there is no difference: they both sway in the soup of oceanic cosmos, sharing the atoms, and forces that bind them together.

I see science no different than any other art form, it has a symmetrical inherent beauty to it, in homogeneity at large scales, be it Mega Parsecs for cosmologists, or kilometres to engineers or nanoscales for experimental physicists or mathematical congruence for theoretical physicists, there is indeed, a link that connects them altogether. Not in a frivolous momentary spark of excitement of some random magic in a haphazard manner that is disarrayed and unpredictable, but that, which is orderly with small deviations, and at times, if deviations are large, they happen to expose another pattern, which went unnoticed before. For me, science holds meaning in this very sense. It brings us closer to understanding reality and of nature’s symmetry: a beauty, which is hard to express. It’s that feeling, when you look at the bright stars gleaming in night sky, imagine about their types, think about its life cycle, think about how the difference in solar masses would lead some stars like our sun to red giants, some as pulsars, some as neutron stars and some as black holes and as you realize you are looking back in time too, and think about how matter actually was created in the stellar core and we are stardust (in Sagan's words), you get that get that eerie tinge of exhilaration mixed with humility.

Now your thinking can process to take up different lines of thoughts e.g. if you notice twinkling stars, you think about atmospheric refraction or the standard measurement of luminosity of stars, but atmosphere, reminds you of the mixture of gases like nitrogen, oxygen etc, but that reminds you of the creation of matter from the time of big bang, and how the deuterium bottleneck  problem took years for universe to first cool down so that it was energetically stable and so on the formation of other elements, but then when you think of atmosphere you could also be reminded of the different types of clouds, their altitudes, azure sky (Rayleigh scattering at work) and golden sun having wavelengths in our visible range, and think about how flooded your vision would be if you could see other EM waves, but then you also get reminded of billions of neutrinos passing through you that go unnoticed because they are weakly interacting particles, but then neutrino reminds you about its postulation by Pauli to its recent detection and the budding neutrino astronomy, which also reminds you about the existence of gravitational waves and LIGO’s attempts to determine it, and wondering about our reach in understanding the universe, you start swaying into the NASA missions over the past 55 years and think about voyager that now sails in interstellar space or curiosity rover exploring the Gale Crater of Mars and somehow these thoughts just don’t seem to seize. 

It’s like you encounter physics almost everywhere or rather, the science of working of things, be it the friction burns on skin after too many pirouettes in dance or the Bessel function and a damping wave of a ripple in water, or the simple air we breathe, the dust particles in it, causing diffusion of light, air also being medium for sound to travel  and this further on extends to working mechanism of the body i.e. the vibrations in the ear drum, the electrical neuron signals, involuntary and voluntary muscles in action, and process of death and birth of cells working in perfect sync. But then again, this makes you further wonder about the atoms, neutrons, meson exchange, quarks and speculate on vibrating virtual particles, to a point where string theory doesn't seem all that bizarre. And finally, you think about the computer and the keyboard via which you are writing this essay, the RAM at work and internet that revolutionized the working of the world. Also, thinking how NVRAMS by multiferroic materials' research would be the upcoming next big thing, and the heavy researches in spintronics taking place.

With this seemingly endless parallel trail of thoughts zipping across my mind, I have somehow tried my best to form a coherent passage (realizing now how James Burke in his Connections series actually made those connections). Thus, I've tried to explain how I feel about science, its ubiquitous presence and why it just can’t be ignored. 

It is an expression, of nature in deterministic and probabilistic ways, from macro to micro scales, an expression of us all, of streams of consciousness afloat in mathematical simplistic realms, which help in determination and experimentation: an exciting and intriguing odyssey of ours, who were born curious. Science assimilates the meaning of "being". Of nature, and its wonders...